Friday, November 18, 2016

Bookish (And Not so Bookish) Thoughts

1. | It's been a month of no Casey. I last saw her October 17th, she went out that night, and we never saw her again. I really miss her. She had a great personality, I took a million pictures of her over the years, and even now that we have Chloe... The house just isn't the same without her. Every time I let Mackie out and every time we come home from being out, I hope she will be waiting at the door. She just would not stay in. I feel a lot of guilt about this.

The last picture. October 17th, 2016
2. | Chloe is great, though. I never planned to have a kitten because I thought Finn and Casey would be around for years, and two cats seemed like enough. So, as much as I am enjoying having Chloe around, it is all bittersweet.

3. | Finn is not only warming up to Chloe, but he seems friendlier in general. He rubs up against the dog and stuff. He still only tolerates me because I feed him and change his litter box. But, he has been playing with the kitten and he could use a little bit of weight loss... (Okay, more than a little bit...)

4. | Casey would love Chloe. I am still hoping they will get to meet. We will be in trouble when it comes to food, though. Finn has absolutely no interest in human meals, but Casey always did. She is worse than the dog. Chloe didn't seem too interested at first, but she is now. And she is still little and can climb up the sides of chairs and stuff. We feed our animals, I promise. Both Casey and Finn are chubby. (It is not me that gives them treats for the record.)

5. | Amazon gave me Prime free for a month. This is the 3rd time that has happened, but it is the first time I am considering keeping it. We use Amazon a lot because there are not many stores near here and they bumped up the limit for free shipping to 35 from 25. It would be nice to just order without having to worry. I have a month to decide.

6. | My reading is still just all over the place. I have so many good books to read, but I skip around and can't seem to settle. I have been listening to the same audiobook forever! I think the fact that I have had a cold that will not go away, added to other things happening, is to blame. I had higher hopes for 2016 than what has came to pass.

7. | On the plus side, I read with Mackie and Chloe. So, I got my wish of another cuddly kitten. Finn hovers, but he finds the cuddling thing all overwhelming. The kitten really wants to be friends with Finn, so she is determined and Finn just wants her to go away a lot of the time.

8. | I have way too many books and audio books that I want to get to soon. I clearly need to read faster... This is the slowest I have been going with audio books since I started listening to them again. Hopefully I can get back into a groove!


  1. I'm still so sad about Casey but Chloe is adorable. I love all the pictures you post of her trying to fit in. It looks like it's working. I was hoping for higher reading numbers this year too but alas.

  2. Anonymous6:28 AM

    We have been in the position of living with a cat that was impossible to keep in. It is not pleasant, and it is indeed impossible at times. We had a cat that was missing for over two months before coming home. I can't imagine what the circumstances were. He looked perfectly fine. I hope that you get to have your Casey back. It's horrible not knowing.

  3. I know Chloe is not a replacement for Casey. No pet ever is, but she is just the cutest thing and I am so happy for you that she is just as cuddly and sweet. I hope that helps ease the pain for you somewhat.

  4. I'm still sad about Casey and I really do hope she'll turn up, but I understand that the hope is slowly ebbing away. I keep thinking of her for you. I do think Chloe is adorable and I hope she helps you a little bit with the loss of Casey, even though she's not a replacement.

  5. Your life sounds busy, busy. I haven't listened to audiobooks for sometime. Since I retired I no longer have any driving time and that's when I listened. Tried listening to books while I was quilting but haven't got back to that since before summer. I NEED to do both because I WANT to do both!


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